ARKA Superteam Cup

Registration for Arka Superteam Cup 2024 is now open.
Find your team mate, choose your category below and join us 19 to 20 of October 2024 in Cluj-Napoca!
Can’t wait to see you on the competition floor, Superteams!

C&J 70/50kg
Snatch 60/40kg
Db 22.5/15kg kb 24/16kg
Bar Muscle ups /Chest to bar
Toes to bar
Wall balls 9/6kg
Handstand pushups
Double unders
Legless rope climbs/rope climbs

C&J 50/35kg
Snatch 40/25kg
Db 15/12kg kb 16/12kg
Pullups /Banded pullups
Wall balls 9/6kg
Knee raises
Wall walks
Single unders
Rope climbs/rope climbs short


Team Name Athlete A Athlete B
Heroes Orastie
Pindarelu Gabriela Dinu Emil
Smart Heroes Crisan Antonia Octavian Margineanu
Fast snails Ruxandra Rasmus
Team Name Athlete A Athlete B
OMBC Petra Pecsi Cantemir Furtuna
Snatch & Sprint Orsolya Kozma Csongor Csaloka
The Beauty and The Beast Szász Imola Téglás Attila
WFF Muscle Brigade Mike Bernadett Molnár Balázs
Paw Patrol Andreea Bandea Ionel Tera